Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 2 of Osheaga in pictures

Busy/hectic week, but I'm only seven days removed from the actual festival. So this would make for like, amazing time if it was 1899.

Anyways, again: in order that I actually saw them, and pictures courtesy of and the photographers who took them.


lead singer Max Kerman
the boys from Hamilton

Amazing Baby

...the boys from Brooklyn - notice the orange/Orange amps
and the orange guitarist...and his see-through guitar I mentioned!
"yes, yes I did go to music school for this instrument"
Arctic Monkeys

people were just smoking that much weed
great lightshow, though given the lack of headliners I watched, Coldplay and YYY's probably had better
lead singer Alex Turner

Crystal Castles

you'd get the impression it was just Alice Glass from these
World's Best Haircut?
...yes, yes it is
how to correctly use your microphone as an instrument

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