Saturday, August 29, 2009

this was one of the more normal photos of Camera Obscura

When I say "endearing Scottish pop music" what do you think of? I wouldn't blame you if you just drew a complete blank, but Camera Obscura, a group from Glasgow, probably has the market cornered. My Maudlin Career is their fourth proper-length album, and though it's been out for a bit and I've heard bits and pieces of it, I've really fallen in love with "French Navy."

It receives a bit of airplay on CBC Radio 2, but it's far from anything you'd hear on any mainstream radio station. Sadly, there's not a very good reason for that, other than the fact there's no decent radio stations anywhere east of Montreal here in Canada. This is the kind of pop music that would thrive on a channel like that, full of shiny and lush instrumentation, picturesque lyrics, and the lead singer's flighty and extremely distinct voice.

The song screams "sunny day" to me, and when the chorus picks up, you can't help but imagine yourself standing in a grassy field, the girl of your dreams running into your arms. Why in the world much of modern radio insists on playing air-headed pop and empty, same-riffing rock when there's such evocative music out there is really beyond me. But thank God for the internet: where "endearing Scottish pop music" happens.

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