Sunday, August 23, 2009

fun game: do they make music that sounds like what they look like?

I had a rough night yesterday, so no song was posted, but "Shout" by The Points would have been it. Disclaimer: this isn't usually the kind of music I like nor listen to. But there was just something about this song that really hit a chord with me.

It's plain and simple rock music, with some shouted lyrics, a lot of distortion, feverish drumming, a chugging guitar keeping everything in line...and then two minutes in, everything calms down, you get a "Seven Nation Army"-ish march going on, and suddenly all the instruments, from the drums to the guitar to the singer's voice take their own places in the song. It's a bit of an evolution, as it all goes from being a jock-rock jumble, to a head-bobbing slow burner. The step-downs on the guitar are the real hit at this point in the song.

At around the 4:15 mark, the song seems to slow to an end, but the beauty of this 5:43 rocker is that it picks right back up when you start thinking it's going to fade away. There's nothing better than when a song is already something great, and then you remember every time you hear it, "oh yeah, there's another minute or two left." Sometimes that can be an annoying feeling, especially if you get one of those seven-minute long remixes of songs you already like that are ruined by pointless beeps and synths for a deadzone of like two or three minutes. "Shout" definitely doesn't suffer from that.

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