Friday, June 12, 2009

Everyone else is doing it

Pitchfork just reviewed the evidently brilliant Bitte Orca from Dirty Projectors (9.2? it's better than Veckatimest?). I've had a couple singles kicking around for about two months, but all I hear are good things, so I'll definitely have to get the full album and judge for myself. Frankly, I'm real tired right now, but I promised my friend I'd share some Dirty Projectors stuff, and I wasn't able to post anything yesterday, so this'll have to do for now.

I'll just let you guys know that this song has a knack for getting stuck in my head at the strangest times...I'm constantly humming and singing along to it when I'm choking back water during my last few surf sessions. It's an acquired taste for sure, but it struck me as brilliant the first time I heard it, and that's a rare occurence for me. Unique is one word for it; I think it's that noise at the start and end that really gets me and pulls me into the song for a good five minutes, it's quirky things like that that I really dig in music right now.

This one really highlights the vocals of the female members of the group (depicted here so quaintly/effectively on Bitte Orca's oft-posted album cover). "No Intention" is another one to check out, showing off the David Byrne-ness (yes, DP and DB collabed for the Dark Was The Night compilation) of the group's lead male singer. Same fragile feel to the song, but a different perspective.

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